
Office Crack Up

Sales guy comes into my office and tries to get a bunch of names and locations of folks to solicit. We chat, I give up zero info with a smile, and he looks on my desk for the ridiculously often standard engraved name plate, seeing none, says, "I'd love to say thank you for helping, but I can't find your name." I say, "you may just call me Oz, the all knowing." Yuck yuck. I say, "My name is Jesse." He says, "Gee, that's great. I haven't had a Jesse since..." I'm totally going to let that line go, it's work, afterall, and I have a modest commitment to not making too much sport at the expense of others when I'm workin' for the Company, but he gets totally PURPLE and chokes all over and then I'm really laughing. He's walking out the door, fast, and says, "Well, gee, some people make people happy by coming and others by leav...I MEAN...OH HELL..." as he RUNS out the door.

So happy I could help....

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