
How many dudes does it take....

My favorite quick market on the way to work IS my favorite because it is managed by a very handsome/lovely dyke. This AM, I stopped by to indulge in a stupid addiction, Cherry Coke Zero. The store was FILLED with SWGs (straight white guys) all of whom swarmed the refrigerator cases. I nearly had to wrestle with two dudes to get through to my soda, and when they realized that I was actually a customer, quel surprise, they were stupidly obsequious, "Can we help you find anything?" Oi gewalt. I let them know I thought I could manage. (They all represented each drink company in her case and were all duking out position rights. Yikes!)

I got to the counter, raised my eyebrow and my pal just said, "It's almost over."

I told her I had no idea WHY they were swarming, but I gave her great sympathy because the store was FILLED with at least four different fragrances of horribly over-applied aftershave.

Once in a great while, women wear too much perfume. It seems to happen with greater frequency that men are plagued with an overabundance of fragrance.

All of that brings up something near and dear to my heart. Directness. A lost art? It's a gift to get feedback from ones friends when one is committing a social faux pas. It is not a gift to be allowed to be a dork unchecked.

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