
On Closets

I posted a comment on a wonderful blog (http://submissivemale.blogspot.com/)recently about being out of the closet as a Femme Domme and was amazed to realize that My comments engendered discussion. One of the things that I found most interesting was this, "When you are completely comfortable with who you are as person you have less need to tell people about it - rather you just go about living your life in the way that makes the most sense to you."

So, if we live a life that is non-mainstream, one that still is the subject of a gross amount of ridicule, discrimination, ignorance, and misunderstanding, so long as we're comfortable with ourselves, we get a pass on doing anything to change the world's perceptions? Huh. I missed that chapter in Responsible Living 101...not to mention the joy of the comic potential in the learning process for all involved.

I remember a long time ago when I was 20 and the VP of the local chapter of the women's political caucus. We were interviewing a candidate for sheriff. He was the currently elected sheriff running for re-election. He said something that became a key to my life. "When I answer the phone and it's the 12th woman experiencing domestic violence I've spoken to in that day, I CANNOT bring forth my angst and frustration at all that happened in the previous eleven phone calls. I have to be all there for her at that moment."

In My life I've had a seemingly endless number of closets out of which to navigate. I just don't believe we get a pass. Every time we do the work, there are lessons, profoundly positive lessons, for us -- and others -- to learn. Contentment and complacency just don't make for a full use of the air we breathe.

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